Monday, March 30, 2009


Thanks for sharing your excess moisture with us. We didn't really need the thunder and lightning, but the wet stuff was most welcome.

And the sun still sets ... rain or shine.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Send Rain

Hot and muggy with winds gusting up to 37 miles per hour. Feels like summer with the temperature in the the low 90s and the wind and humidity hinting at the arrival of rain, but not happening today. Instead, we saw this brush fire flare up across the river, burning about 300 acres and shutting down the interstate for hours.

Ah, pity the poor touristas stranded on I-75 wishing they were at the beach.

It was actually too windy at the beach - unless you enjoy a good sandblasting.

Red sun at night....sailors' delight .............. that means no rain, right? The fire continues to grow - three miles long, according to WINK News @ 11.

No rain predicted. If you have too much ... don't be selfish - send us some!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Big Birds

Can you believe that this great blue heron just maneuvered his fishing boat up to the dock ... and I have some swampland here in Florida to sell you?

Fishing from a tight rope is tricky, but the truly graceful can manage. Alas! those fish are never safe.

You'll have to take my word that this is a bald eagle. She was so annoyed that we had invaded her territory that she went to her branch and refused to speak to us.

A pelican always reminds me of pterodactyls. I love them: they are totally fascinating in the the air, in the sea ... even on land, although they do walk with a waddle.

They have a wing span of about 7 feet, fly in formation, and often dive into the water en masse to attack a hapless school of fish although, as we have seen, they can also be shameless beggars when there are free fish to be had. There are always flocks of them following the crab boats.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sand Saga

At the beach ... it's the beauty ...

and the beast ...

and the handsome prince ...

who sails up to rescue the fair damsel ...

and take her to his castle ... where they live happily ever after.
the end

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tempus Fugit

It has been a year
we're still happy here
because because because because ...
because of all the wonderful things we does!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

In the Kitchen with ...

Ralph's Seafood is one of my favorite stops at the Farmers' Market (that and the produce stand manned by an escapee from ZZ Top). I thought we were fortunate when it was just a short drive to the fish truck in Paekakariki, but Ralph's truck is practically on our door step. Only on Thursdays, but better than fighting the traffic on the way to Fort Myers Beach - especially during this time of year when all the young'uns are here for Spring Break. Do you know where your kids are?

They always have fresh shrimp. I have just peeled and deveined these lovelies, appropriately named Florida pink shrimp - not the garden variety that we send up north to you Yanks. We keep these yummy ones for ourselves. I have heard that they are shy and can only be caught at night during a waning moon. However, they do seem to be swishing their tails in this video:
Are you salivating?

Minutes later they are plated and served with French bread and fresh Florida broccoli. Sometimes simple is best.

Our seasons are not your seasons so, believe it or not, it is time for fresh strawberries and corn on the cob. (I know. We'll be sorry in July.) There is a fish fillet under all those berries - maybe Grouper.

And occasionally there's fresh Florida lobster on our plate - much sweeter than its cousin from Maine. Did you notice the local yellow tomato and organic oak leaf lettuce? I hear ya, but July is still a long way off.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Deep Sea Dining

These signs are all over the rivers since Manatees are evidently too slow to lumber out of the way of speeding boaters. The gentle giants are just as popular as dolphins but more difficult to see and not as curious. Also, they are vegetarians (who said lettuce wasn't fattening?) so you don't see them playing cat-and-mouse with the fishes.

The sandpiper is shy and strictly business, striding along the beach looking for a tasty morsel. These birds do not steal your lunch and never never beg like those rowdy sea gulls.

The ospreys are nesting this time of the year - and very vocal. You don't want to get in their way when they're fishing because they fish with their feet. You should see the look of surprise on the face of the fish as it finds itself suddenly flying through the air clasped in those sharp talons.

The pelican, on the other hand, fishes with his beak. What big feet he has.

Oh, the best place to find mussels is at a restaurant because the sea gulls usually get them first at the beach.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Let's Do Lunch

Sometimes service is so slow we might as well take a nap while waiting for le poisson du jour.

Some of us are eager - but dignified.

Ah, at last! They're unloading the picnic cooler, and look what's on the menu - a jumble of lovely sheepsheads and a big, lively snook.

Don'tcha just hate it during tourist season when you have to wait forever and jockey for position at the popular dining spots?

Why, yes. Yes, I do.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Another Day - Another Beach

We're saying hello from a different beach. Today we're in Naples (not quite Italy - but definitely more upscale than Fort Myers. Can you tell?)

Have you ever met a beach you didn't love? Just snuggle down into the sand and ignore those ugly (spelled e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e) high rises looming behind you.

Only sandpipers down by the sea - no common gulls permitted.