One of the popular bloggers opined that it was so b.o.r.i.n.g reading blogs about food and kids and cats and...... Well, dudette, I feel your pain ... if it's not about us, who gives a fig? Oh, fig ... another food reference. However, we all have to eat - usually several times a day too. Somehow doesn't seem the most efficient use of time. As you might have guessed, we are
not in my kitchen. And could the photographer have snapped a shot while my eyes were
open? I have my glasses on, for Pete's sake. And, no, it couldn't have been the effects of the wine.
To continue, tuna and mango and orange sections and cucumbers and water cress and sauces ... yum. Again, not in my kitchen, where PB&J is often on the menu although on rare occasions I have been known to toss something on the grill just to keep the DH guessing. I know .... the Barefoot Contessa must be trembling in her boots. Oh, wait...

See the guy at the bar? No, it's not Tony Romo, but it might as well be since he doesn't have to put in his time on the grid iron for the rest of the season, but I digress. What do you think the dude is watching on the big screen behind the bar? Remember... this is Texas - football football football. OK, maybe not
this year. All that almost-winning-the-World-Series seriously hindered our macho or mojo or something. Anyhow, the big screen broadcasts the play-by-play action in the kitchen. Talk about must-see TV.