Well, first of all, they're prawns. Sounds exotic, but actually the little guys are rather scarey-looking. You have to literally rip their heads off before you can even start that peel-and-eat business. And they are almost always served that way......if they're available at all. Even if you buy them frozen at the supermarket, you have to throw them into the boiling water while you're looking them in the eyes, and they're waving their tentacles around. Fortunately, I've prepared shrimp fresh out of the Gulf (live) so I wasn't too intimidated. Bottom line: the ugly little devils are delicious. Hate to repeat myself, but eating in NZ really makes a person aware of how bland and tasteless we've let our food become in the US. We
are the land of Wonder bread. Stay tuned for my battle with the green lip mussels!
Speaking of battles.........glad to see Michigan get back to playing football. Some of you guys must have been cheering them on. We had to listen to the game on the radio - on the internet, for Pete's sake. Not so bad really. Instead of being blinded by all that maize and blue, we got to gaze at the ocean and see the waves slowly rolling in to shore. Pretty calm today although there were plenty of kids splashing in the surf (school holidays). No wet suits either. These little Kiwis are tough! 65 degrees doesn't exactly shout "dive in" to me.
And speaking of tough.......the All Blacks play Scotland tonight. At 2:30 AM. We'll be watching the replay, but plenty of the locals will catch the broadcast in real time - if they're not actually at the game. It's a sell-out. And you thought all the action was in the Big House. OK.......or the Shoe.