Saturday, September 8, 2007


A seal swam ashore a week or so ago, and since I am constantly on the lookout for marine life on our little stretch of beach, I was hoping that the form being dragged up out of the surf was some poor disoriented sea creature in need of respite. Unfortunately, it was homo sapiens who needed assistance. He had come paragliding (I used to know how to say that in French) over the edge, turned too sharply, and hit the beach hard. Ouch.
Here in NZ the emergency number is 111. Did I want an ambulance? Well, I'm not sure. I do know my address and I do know his location on the beach. I didn't know the helicopter would land there. Never shut off its engine and took off into the wind like some crazy seagull. Hope the poor guy is OK. Sometimes extreme sports can just be too extreme.

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