Wednesday, April 23, 2008

See Ya Later, Alligator

Don'tcha dare feed them gators. We don't want 'em to get a hankerin' for human flesh. (Do we really need a sign and a fine to keep us from feeding the alligators? I mean, would we be lobbing a raw chicken over to them. It's not exactly like feeding bread crumbs to the ducks.)

This here is gator country. Can you see him lurking out there in the water? By the way, this is the Sanibel River, and just to the left of the photo are a couple tennis courts. Can't you just imagine the beasts coming up out of the water with their racquets when no one is around? Of course, of course, they would be wearing their izods.

It's amazing how languid and graceful these reptiles appear in the water, yet how awkward and ungainly they are on land. However, these guys can move when they want to.....on land......or in the water. And why is that silly birdbrain swimming over closer?

The media has been showing films of the 8-foot alligator some woman found in her kitchen. Yikes!

Trust me.......I would not be that calm. Sometimes it's good luck to live on the 13th floor.

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