Saturday, October 4, 2008

Here & There

How many of you recognize this intersection? You are's Downtown Dallas in front of the original Neiman Marcus store. And to think that a complex of high-end luxury high-rise apartments is being completed in the next block. What could be more dangerous or more wonderful than living there?

Back in Fort Myers at the local shopping mecca, we must be content with Saks and no new high rises nearby. Sigh. We manage.

Cooling off by the fountains in Big D (still looking across at Neiman's), but definitely feeling the big city vibe. In fact, I'm the only one in sandals, except for a throng of girls in school uniforms. It's not as busy and crowded as NYC, but then what city is?

Ah, back at the mall with the Florida fountains. Not as much hustle and bustle, and everybody wears sandals. Of course, now that the bail out has successfully passed: there might not be any more shopping at Saks or NM, and we'll be lucky to own a pair of sandals at all.

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