Sunday, February 28, 2010

Au Revoir

The Olympics are over ...... and so is February. May they bundle up all that snow and ice and ship it to the North Pole (I hear there's a global warming or melting or whatever going on there).
It's been fun and all - warming the back side in front of the easy-peasy-flip-the-switch fire place, following the Olympics on the big screen, and the friends and family on the small one. That's me: a master at techno multi-tasking. And the #1 son wonders what I do all day.
BRING ON SPRING. If tomorrow comes in like a lamb, I'm not getting out of bed.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Smarter Than a Fifth Grader

Babies change our lives, usually for the better. Unfortunately, the little creatures do not come with instructions ....... but their equipment does. The #1 son struggles to assemble the baby carrier as his parents giggle and murmur something about paybacks for all those Christmas Eve easy-to-assemble must-have toys that ended up under the tree ...... eventually.

Of course, back then the manuals were written in English.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birthday Cake

I have not seen the Julia Child movie, but I do own her cookbook. Notice that I said own, not that I cook from it ......evah. I mean ... where are the pictures? Seriously. Who can cook without pictures? Anyhow, I do admire her attitude in the k-room, and I do like to watch her cook on those old TV episodes. Don't even imagine that I'm cooking along cause I'm not. Above are the ingredients for her favorite cake (mine too), and might I suggest baking it on a day when you don't want to drink the bourbon instead of mixing it with the bittersweet chocolate.

The finished product is not exactly a thing of beauty

and a bit of a challenge to cut (or is it just me?)

but it is heaven on your palate.

Today is the daughter's birthday so I am sending these photos across the many miles to New Zealand and not even mentioning that I had to bake the darn thing in a boiling water bath. A boiling water bath, I tell you. As if just being in the kitchen isn't painful enough ..... No ordinary cake from a box for my baby. No way. If you too live dangerously and want the recipe ..... just ask. I share.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

What a joyous moment it is when an infant wraps his fingers around yours. This gesture certainly puts life in perspective. So ...... welcome, little one. We're really glad you're here. Already, the world's a better place.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pooh's Poem

The more it snows
(Tiddly Pom)
The more it goes
(Tiddly Pom)
The more it goes
(Tiddly Pom)
On snowing.

Most snow in Dallas ....... evah. You know, we moved south to escape the snow and ice and winter's wrath. How's that workin' out for ya, you ask. Well, the weather guy says that we won't see snow like this again in this century in Big D. (Has he been talking to Al Gore?)

poetry credit to a.a. milne & Winnie the Pooh

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Little Lambs

It's a cuddly lamb seat for a cuddly lamb. The new arrival is not yet a week old, and already he has us all ga-ga for his goo-goos. Well, the cat ..... maybe not so much. This contraption cradles you, warms you, entertains you, and vibrates. Wish they had one in my size.