Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birthday Cake

I have not seen the Julia Child movie, but I do own her cookbook. Notice that I said own, not that I cook from it ......evah. I mean ... where are the pictures? Seriously. Who can cook without pictures? Anyhow, I do admire her attitude in the k-room, and I do like to watch her cook on those old TV episodes. Don't even imagine that I'm cooking along cause I'm not. Above are the ingredients for her favorite cake (mine too), and might I suggest baking it on a day when you don't want to drink the bourbon instead of mixing it with the bittersweet chocolate.

The finished product is not exactly a thing of beauty

and a bit of a challenge to cut (or is it just me?)

but it is heaven on your palate.

Today is the daughter's birthday so I am sending these photos across the many miles to New Zealand and not even mentioning that I had to bake the darn thing in a boiling water bath. A boiling water bath, I tell you. As if just being in the kitchen isn't painful enough ..... No ordinary cake from a box for my baby. No way. If you too live dangerously and want the recipe ..... just ask. I share.

1 comment:

Juli said...

That is a very dangerous cake.