Saturday, May 15, 2010

Bar Talk

My niece (I only have one) recently posted on FB the oft-repeated live-in-the-moment suggestion. Hard to argue the point because yesterday is gone, and tomorrow has not yet arrived. Oh my. Have you noticed that it is mostly the elders who remember when, and the youngers who can't wait for what comes next? Of course, the explanation is that once you reach middle-age, you're at least halfway down the road, and the journey is not getting any easier even though people say "it's all downhill."

At any rate, I'm all for today being the best day ever, and if there's a glass of wine at the end of it - that's good too. Cheers.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Right. I do believe in seize the day. Also, youth is wasted on the young. Would it be better to be like Benjamin Button?