Thursday, May 20, 2010

Quite Contrary

You're looking at my current garden. I know. It's a breathtaking sight, and you wonder how I manage to tend so many plants without complaining about aching muscles, dirt-spoiled manicures, and ugly calluses on my palms. Why, just pulling the weeds alone .......

Meandering back through time finds us in a garden that required a wee bit more tending, but its produce was a little more nourishing than basil and thyme. I'm not even sure I knew what basil was at that leg of the journey.

Further down the road and still digging in the dirt. Obviously it's the fourth of July, and that corn is not as high as an elephant's eye. If you have the space, you should try to grow the maize plant. There are some requirements but I forget what they are - something about so many rows or some such. Google it. That's what the Internet is for. Hard to imagine, but there is some information you just can't find in blogs. Very little, I'll admit, but I digress - you've never tasted corn, no matter how fresh you think it is, until you've harvested it from your own garden and eaten it right away. In fact, eat it right in the garden. Raw. So sweet. Class dismissed.

The gardens in the last Eden just about killed us. That's what happens when there's too much land and you've never met a flower you didn't like. So while I'm on this sabbatical, I'm content with my window herb garden and the geranium on the porch.

1 comment:

Juli said...

I think I tried to grow corn in Chicago city, but my sunflowers did better than the corn. We tried to grow corn in our NZ garden, but we had more success with pumpkins and silverbeet. Probably not enough rows. I really should have googled it.

BTW, great legs on the Fourth! Wasn't was the era of ZZ Top...