Speaking of jobs I wouldn't want to do ... I mean, of course, besides all the tasks I don't like to do in the kitchen ... anything involving swaying on a platform dangling from the top of a 27 story building ... well, let's just say there would be a lot of screaming ... um ... let's make that
shrieking ... Did I mention that none of these men speak English? Well, maybe the same fluency as my Spanish. I mean, I can match their, "Good morning, ma'am" with a "Buenos dias, senor" and maybe even throw in a
gracias or two, but beyond that we're pretty much at a stand off. I did take Spanish
and Latin in high school but my teacher was a 97 year old woman who had a cougar crush on my dad so you can imagine. I really don't know my
puella from my
muchacha. I do remember that she must have been a germaphobe because she used a tissue to open the door knob. Yep. A woman ahead of her time. Probably never missed a day of school either.
Where was I? Oh, yes ... 21 stories up. Does that contraption look safe to you? I am not sure what purpose that big black suction cup serves, and the language barrier prevented my inquiring.....
This is how they remove a window. Who knew? Now I'm not so sure they really are hurricane strength. I will be in the master bath during any wind events.
Didn't you think the
hombres (see how that Spanish is coming back to me?) on the inside had the easier job
. Pero no. They have to do all the heavy lifting. The old window out .....
the new window in .....
A little putty and some Windex.......and we're done!
Hasta luego, mis amigos.