Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birds @ the Beach

The osprey, or fish hawk, is one of my favorite birds. Spring is their nesting season so it is rare to see one sunbathing at the beach, like this one. They are usually perched on or near their nests if they are not soaring over the water searching for a tasty fish. OK - so he's probably not sunbathing, but maybe he is napping.

I can spot an osprey from quite a distance.

Now this is more like it - a bird with a sense of purpose. You can tell that she's not just out for a walk on the beach. This egret has some serious fishing in mind - she's not going to just wait until the fish come to her.

Even the pelican is taking it easy today. It is hot, and sometimes you just need to cool your toes in the water. Besides ... what's that they say about all work and no play?

1 comment:

Juli said...

I love the osprey. And their nests! But the pelican is still my favourite.