Saturday, May 30, 2009

Washed Ashore

Another Saturday morning at the beach ........ ho-hum. Wait a minute ............. something's not right. What in God's name is that stuff? It looks like mounds of wet spaghetti noodles broken into two inch pieces. Where did it come from? Take it back - it's all wet and squishy, like walking on waterlogged carpet. Yuck!

And it's wall-to-wall carpet.

Obviously something the sea has regurgitated and is in no hurry to re-absorb although the little bits are floating in the gulf as if it were a cauldron of minestrone.

This guy doesn't seem to mind wading into the soup, but what does he know? He's an ibis and rarely comes to the beach, preferring to hang out in groups on recently watered lawns or boggy spots by the side of the road.

She's a regular at the beach and seems unconcerned. Whatever. Don't say I didn't warn you when the alert is sounded tomorrow that some deadly bacterial strain has washed up from the bottom of the ocean, or more likely whatever it is will have washed back out to sea. If you know, do tell.


Blog O Directory said...
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Juli said...

It's weird, all the stuff that washes up on the beach. I get a little grossed out by seaweed and wood, but the child has no problem with it. Let us know if you find out what all that stuff on your beach is.

From AA to NZ said...

Going to the beach tomorrow. Will let you know whether the debris is still there.