Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Another Sunset Down Under

Almost every evening we watch the sun set, sometimes with a glass of wine, sometimes not. Each sunset is unique, but they are all awesome in the true sense of the word. Unfortunately, not all of them transfer successfully to film. When the sunset fades, the stars appear - what a show that is! - standing on the deck looking out into the abyss above the roaring of the surf. The sky is so dark and the stars are so bright from the horizon on up and over, so you have to tilt your head back to see them all. Of course, I guess you could swivel. So far I don't recognize any of the constellations. No Big Dipper! J pointed out the Southern Cross, but I'm not sure I actually saw it. Guess I'll have to get a book to further my knowledge. There's a bar down the road that has dozens of photos of the sunsets on the walls - or you can just look out the window. Of course, we don't even have to leave home to enjoy the view from beachfront to top of the hill.

We are still dealing with the hubby's stones and excruciating pain. As I mentioned before, these Kiwis are a strong lot. No Vicodin or Percocet for them! It's codeine and acetaminaphin and grin and bear it, mate. At any rate, we have an appointment with a specialist the day after tomorrow so he should get some relief.

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