Tuesday, August 12, 2008

From A to B

For those of you who know me well, you will recognize that in the first photo I am about halfway through one of my least favorite chores, the gathering of the goods. Alright, I confess all chores are my least favorite. At any rate, the second photo shows the ideal way to get the food on the fork - using a menu, not a shopping cart. Just wanted to show you that life in the sunshine state is not a vacation 24/7.

We should be playing beach volley ball instead of watching it on TV, but it's just too darn hot. Loved seeing W at the Games. I suppose all you Wolverines are claiming Phelps as your own. You might as well........football season starts all-too-soon.

The other grandpapa of the World's Cutest Future Gold Medalist told me that New Zealand excels only in Olympic sports that require sitting down, such as the equestrian and sailing events. Oh, those Kiwis have such a wry sense of humor, but no medals, as of this posting.


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