Friday, August 29, 2008

The Other River

Uh-oh, Toto..........we're not in Florida anymore, and those aren't palm trees either. The Huron River, not nearly so volatile or so noisy as the Caloosahatchee, is a peaceful place to spend an afternoon.

Isn't this guy a beautie? And not shy, at all. We occasionally see turtles in the Caloosahatchee, but the water is not this clear so we only notice them if they are near the surface. Of course, they can't play hide-and-seek amongst all the lily pads because there aren't any. Florida turtles seem to swim a lot faster than their Michigan cousins - maybe because there is no place to hide and no shade.

Aha............more evidence that we have wandered off. These big birds are swans, not pelicans. Much more beautiful, but they have the same slurpy table manners. However, I do believe that they are enjoying the salad special rather than the fish du jour.

What is more regal than a bevy of swans? Actually, a group is referred to as a herd of swans. I mean,'s not as though they're a bunch of cows, for pete's sake. Swan Lake, anyone?

No one was having this fish for lunch, and he, along with his swan friends, was noshing on the salad greens.

Just an aside: Didja know that swans are prey for wolverines? Tsk.

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