Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Spending the Day with Fay

Fay came ashore early this morning while we were asleep, and she took her time coming up the coast to our neck of the woods. The wind was insistent and the rain was relentless (that pond of water is not part of the usual landscape), but there was no flying debris, no thunder and lightning, and the Caloosahatchee did not come up over the sea wall.

The winds increased, the rain came in sheets, and we could no longer see the bridges down the way.

This was the view out the back, facing south. Not a lot to see, and the wind was merciless.

Just at sunset, the sky put on a spectacular display to apologize for the travails of the day. Who can complain after a gift like this?

And the remnants of Fay rolled along to the northeast. The wind is still with us, but we are just thankful that we didn't have to use the items in our hurricane survival kit. We've probably seen the last of this particular storm, but I don't think Florida has. I hope we don't run into her on our flight to Ann Arbor tomorrow.

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