Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Meeting our neighbors......many of whom are much more traveled than we. Everybody has been to the US....mostly LA and SF. I guess you must get wanderlust when you live on an island. They are very talkative and assure us how very much they like Americans.....even though they sometimes strain to comprehend our speech patterns. There's a lot of concern about us "softies" coping with the lack of central heating. Not so bad so's the sand fleas that have feasted on my ankles that cause the most discomfort. However, one glance at the everchanging sea makes all seem right with the world. It is, isn't it?

There's not much news about the good old USof A here. Is W still president? And what is up with the Pistons? Only the Suns and the Spurs play in primetime on SkyTV. The papers are full of Paris Hilton and her jail sentence, however.

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