Saturday, April 30, 2011

April Blooms

Summer comes early in Texas, stays late, and gets hotter than blazes so it's really a matter of the early bird spotting the blooms. And aren't all of us just lovely flowers; some, frilly and delicate like the lavender beauties, and others, colorful and sturdy similar to the potted zinnias.

One of my favorite sayings is bloom where you are planted, even if it's in Texas in the midst of tornadoes, wildfires, and high heat and humidity. So, I'm tellin' y'all ..... go ahead and ......... bloom, baby, bloom.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane

I encountered Don Henley between the strawberries and the California blood oranges (organic) at Whole Foods today. I have been hoping to spot him ever since I read in D that he often saunters through the same market that I reluctantly frequent. I am guessing that he is not a vegan since he sped through the produce ...... maybe on his way to the grass-fed local Texas beef. He was all busy being fabulous and I was all business as usual.

I can't tell you why.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Aging Gracefully

I have posted pictures of this beach house before, both in its prime and its decline. It is, as my dad used to say, leaning toward Fisher's (I assume he meant Fisher's Funeral Home), but it cannot be torn down yet because of pending court cases etc.

Today is my birthday AND Easter. Only time Easter occurs on April 24 in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Recently an old friend and I were talking about birthday celebrations and the various joys of aging. She said that the last birthday she couldn't wait to reach was twenty-one, and we both agreed that there was no need for a lot of hoop-la after that so I feel that although the momentous occasion merits the party of the centuries, I much prefer a glass of Prosecco at Nosh, OK. Maybe two.

So ..... sadly the house is a reminder of ourselves ...... the beauty of youth, battered by storms, damaged by time. We may be unsteady, but we are still standing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

April Showers

I don't find much time to sit on a bench and wax poetic these days, but I can still quote lines that I perused during the last century. (I love doing that.)
April is the cruellest month, breeding

Lilacs out of the dead ground, mixing

Memory and desire, stirring

Dull roots with spring rain.

Winter kept us warm, covering

Earth in forgetful snow, feeding

A little life with dried tubers.

The Wasteland - T.S. Eliot

April is a lovely month of flowers and showers, and who would not like to spend April in Paris? Alas, people, we are Apriling in Dallas, and I am watching tornado colors and hail reports on the television screen for the second time this week. Golf ball size hail and high winds .....lowest floor available....

We are really having fun now, and I thought the highlight of the day was mailing a check to the IRS. Just goes to show you never can tell. (Isn't that the title of a Chuck Berry song - last century?)