Friday, July 31, 2009

Sea Fever

July two years ago, this was our back yard in Paekakariki, New Zealand. Notice how blue the Pacific Ocean is. Also notice that I am not in the water because, people, July is winter in NZ and the water is damn cold. Of course, the Pacific is always cold - no matter the season.

Last July we were in Florida, USA. The water is not quite so blue, but a heck of a lot warmer; and yes, people, I'm frolicking in it.

This July we're still in FLA.
I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume and the sea-gulls crying.

-John Maesfield (1878-1967)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Payin' Our Way

Not even the beach is free; and if you think it is, you'll get a ticket on your car. And they expect you to pay up. Hey! Times are tough here in Paradise. We've all got our million dollar beach cottages up for sale.

I know it's hard to believe. Alcohol is prohibited on Fort Myers Beach - party central during spring break. Who knew.

Most days the flyer would be a pelican, but today it's a seaplane.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pretty in Pink

The sky is ablaze with streaks of lightning at the moment, but I can't seem to capture those on film so I am sharing several shots of the sky after last night's sunset. I rarely miss a sunset; but although we can also see the sunrise from our aerie, I'm not so impressed. OK ...... I'm not so awake. At any rate, July seems to be a month of fireworks and fiery sunsets.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hot Fun in the Summertime

What do you expect, people?
It's freakin' hot. And, yes, it's humid.
It's Florida.
That's why we have beaches.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tougher Than Texas

The state of Texas touts its tough stance on crime, but Florida ain't no bed of roses. No matter how high the temperature rises, we have our state prisoners out in the blazing sun, laboring along the roadways. Life is not always a picnic here in paradise.

We warn you.......

and if you're too cool for school.......

we boot your butt ....... and next thing you know.....

Friday, July 17, 2009


In the second photo, if you look closely, you might see the sun actually sink below the horizon; however, it doesn't leave the stage without a dramatic display. Just like the days of our lives ...... some sunsets are better than others, and a few are downright spectacular.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good God - Now We're Cookin'

Yes, the economy is that bad here. I've had to take a job smelling peaches at Whole Foods. Actually, that wouldn't be a bad occupation. Is there anything that says summer more than the aroma of fresh peaches? Ah, you've noticed......I'm in a can it be........smiling?

Because I've just had lunch at The Grape (an obvious bribe). Shouldn't food just appear on the plate, all ready to nibble or devour, as the case may be. So much more civilized. Sigh.

Much as I hate to admit it, I do know where the kitchen is and sometimes whip up a little sumpin-sumpin ......without too much whining and cussing. Sometimes. ( I know there's a glare on the photo. Again - this is Florida people. We're the frickin' sunshine state! Deal with it.)

And I didn't turn the heat up too high on the little fella. Like I said ..... it's Florida, and we're already hot enough.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh, No You Didn't

Remember when the President and his crew (and the media) escaped from the White House and ate lunch at Five Guys? You know, as in Five Guys Burgers and Fries. According to their (the Guys' - not the President's) web site: Juicy, greasy and delicious Five Guys burgers are some of the best in the country. The President thought so - moi ... not so much. They may know fries, but so does McDonald's.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

At the End of the Rainbow

Sometimes you can just tell that it's going to be a great day.

It's a full rainbow with one end in the water

and the other end down the block. Quick ................ run out and grab the pot of gold.
(click on the photo and you can see it beside the road)

Looking at the arc through the windows on the west

and at the rain through the windows on the north.

After a few moments, the colorful curve is just a reflection on the water. And the pot of gold?
That's our secret.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Ga-Ga for Gadgets

I love these things!

I try not to purchase items just to be trendy. I mean, I do own the original food processor, only five days ago I was still listening to music on my Rio MP3 player, and we own 3 (yes, count them - 3) television sets that, not only are not HD, but they are not even digital. How do we survive, you ask.

However, I have owned the iPhone for less than a week, and already it has taken over my entire life. No wonder Madonna went to bed with her Blackberry under her pillow.

How's that song go?

Nothing you can say
Can tear me away
From my i-guy.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Finally Fireworks

Like so many other communities in the USA this July 4th, Fort Myers cancelled the city's fireworks display. However, at the last minute a local realty group (ironic, no?) stepped in and put up the money for the pyrotechnics. The ferry boat pushed the barge carrying the explosives down the Gulf and up the river, arriving late afternoon/early evening-ish. Can you imagine? Arriving late to the party where you're the main event?

The sun set. The boats jostled for the best viewing positions on the water. Darkness settled around us. The ferry shoved the barge out into the river. The police boats circled. We waited.
The band continued with the God-bless-America tunes. We waited. The fireworks on the river banks slowed and stopped. We waited. Some spectators grew impatient and began the long trek home. Still we waited.

En fin at 11:20

rising from the barge

is the expected light show

like Christmas in the sky

snowflakes on the 4th of July

and why

are they so awesome

I suppose we could celebrate the 4th without them, but there is something about fireworks that makes us ooh and aah and clap our hands in delight ................... no matter how many times we've seen them.