Monday, October 15, 2007

Another Day

Ahoy mates! It's spring on the islands (north and south) so we are being subjected to the windiness and whimsiness of the season. In fact, some days we experience all four seasons in one day. It is so difficult to capture all of these phenomena on our digital camera from the last century. Isn't that the way it is? One minute you're on the cutting edge, and the next, you're lumped in with the clueless. Anyhow, whoever it was who insisted that a picture was worth a thousand words was so totally wrong. A picture in your mind maybe, but technology just hasn't been able to capture true reality - a reasonable facsimile perhaps, but there is just no photo that can reproduce all the magic that exists in even an ordinary sunset.
The wind has been whistling at our windows, the rain has been drumming on our roof, and the ocean has been thundering at our feet. In fact, the wind has been hurling the sea against our windows, and the glass becomes so covered with salt that we cannot see outside until the next shower washes them clean. We drove down the parade yesterday and huge sheets of salt water assaulted our windshield and we couldn't tell whether we were on the road or in the sea. I exclaimed, "Oh, what are those white, fluffy things blowing up from the beach? Seed pods? Trash from the bins?" Nope. They were big blobs of foam flying off the waves and foating through the air like soap bubbles on speed. Now. You can't see that in the photos, can you?

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