Friday, July 4, 2008


Some people came to the fireworks display in their sailboats. In fact, hundreds of boats cruised down the river, dropped anchor, and watched the celebration. We don't know how many boaters came up the river since the city pier where the event was to take place is just a little ways down the river from us. And those whose yachts were in the shop arrived by car, by limo, on bikes, on foot. Nobody came by pony.

The day was julyesquely hot and gorgeous; and it was a SRO situation at the pool, interrupted by the usual afternoon downpour(s) and a rainbow, followed by a spectacular sunset. What holiday could be better? Oh, yeah......maybe that one with the presents.

The sun went down, the tiniest sliver of a new moon appeared in the sky, and independent fireworks went off everywhere - all up and down the river banks. Absolutely fabulous. You didn't know where to look, fearing you might miss the really good ones.

Fireworks are illegal in Florida. As one newspaper noted, "The rules are simple. If it flies or explodes, you can't have it."

Well, evidently thousands of Floridians are scofflaws.

These are the big guns. Wish you had been here to see them. It's so difficult getting a photo with my not-quite-high-tech-enough camera. The darn things just won't stand still to have their picture taken.........rather like the WCG.

OK. Where was this info when I needed it? Fireworks anyone?

1 comment:

Will Ryan said...

I think your firework photos are great!