Thursday, November 8, 2007

@ the Beach

Every day's a new day....isn't that the name of a song? Well, so true at the beach - some days are two or three new days. Things can change that quickly. These photos show the glories of early summer...........abundant shells, gorgeous flowers, and having your boat helped over the surf by the tow tractor. Nevertheless, the captain still had to get into the water and push his baby into deeper water. Should have checked the tidal charts.

I'm still wearing my jacket, but we did see a few people lying on the sand with their bare limbs exposed to the sun's rays. Never can get that temperature thing right - it's too hot when the sun's shining and there's no wind, too cool when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing, and almost cold when there's no sun and lots of wind. And here the winds come from all directions. Well, we are on an island in the middle of the ocean.

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