Sunday, February 24, 2008

Long Ago & Far Away

Who would have believed that we could remember the address, let alone find the house? It is still standing.......and so are we. We are in Pensacola, and this is our first house. It used to have a front porch and huge pecan trees, but I think a hurricane or two might have roared through between then and now.

We have not known Will and Nancy quite so long as the house......but almost. They and the house are both in Pensacola, but we knew them in Virginia where they were kind enough to loan me their car to take my driver's test, which I passed by the skin of my teeth. (Our son loves those old-time, corny expressions!) At any rate, the examiner took pity on me when neither of us could figure out how to turn on the defroster and the car totally fogged up. Really looking forward to taking that test again when I'm ninety. But, I digress.........we haven't seen these people for many, many, many years (get the picture?), and I'm sure you must be curious about whether we still had anything in common. Of course, we are all older, but after the initial realization, I don't think we noticed the wrinkles and the gray hair.................our essences were the same as ever....... and we were in synch. The packages may not be the same, but the contents have held up pretty well.

Nancy and Will were nice enough to show us around the city that we could barely remember, and, of course, we stopped to see the beach......Pensacola of the most beautiful in the world. I remember many a hot summer day..........floating on a raft with a can of cold beer in my hand. This time I just put my feet in the water.

Driving back to our sand castle, we watched the big ole southern moon rise in the sky, and later that night, we were lucky enough to witness a total eclipse of that moon. The pictures we got were a little better than the ones we took in New Zealand (new camera), but the eclipse itself was just as awesome in both hemispheres.

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