Saturday, August 29, 2009

From Sunup to Sundown

What's this? Something is wrong, wrong, wrong. The weatherometer is all out of whack. It's is not supposed to rain til three in the afternoon. Everybody knows that's how things work on the Gulf Coast. Well, except for all of you cowards who scurry back up north when the heat and humidity soar up into the triple digits. Oh, you'll be slipping back quick enough when the S-N-O-W starts flying. But I digress .... when I awoke this AM what to my wondering eyes should appear ... oh, wait - that's a different blog. A rainbow, first thing. And isn't the arc all cattywampus? The darn thing seems to curve back under the building. Someone has probably discovered the pot of gold in the parking garage on his way to work. No need for me to run down.

Storms racing up and down the river all day. Thunder, lightning, clouds, and raindrops (and not the pattering kind either), and then, this glorious sunset. I, of course, have fifty more pictures of it, but I've been told I don't need to share them all.

So cheers from the Southwest Florida coast to wherever you are.

1 comment:

Juli said...

Sunsets and rainbows where ever you go.