Saturday, January 30, 2010

Can We Blog?

Recently on Facebook the daughter of a friend of mine gasped, " I caught a glimpse of myself in the window and saw my MOTHER ... holy crap!" I laughed. We've all been there. We always think that it will never happen to us, but it always does. And not in a good way. We love our mothers; we just don't want to be them.

My daughter just named me her "blog of the day" so if you're coming from there to here, don't expect to find the stimulation, passion, and intensity that you find in her posts. I admire her for being able to "put herself out there," as they say; but I'm from a bygone era where we were cautioned not to discuss controversial topics like money, sex, politics, or religion. Must explain why we're all in therapy - or should be, if we're not. So if you're here (yawn), travel on over to Wellington Road and check out the latest. Click on follow, not follow me (unless you want to tweet) to become a fan. No charge.

She's wiser, but I'm older.


Juli said...

Thanks, Mom. xo's

Not long ago, I watched "Dirty Dancing" (again). I love the line at the end, when Baby and Johnny Castle are dancing the last dance of the season.

Baby's mother (to her husband): I think she gets this from me.

Aliceson said...

You are both great! :)

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I came over from Wellington Road. I think you are great too.