Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wholey Cow

Whole Foods ........ or to quote the DH ....... "Warehouse of Rudeness." He swears that all the shoppers are self-involved egomaniacs who attempt to maim you with their carts. Points are earned if they elbow you to the ground while reaching past you to grab the organic carrots. Yes. Grocery shopping has evolved into a contact sport. Penalties are assessed for dawdling in the aisles or hesitating in front of the dairy case. It's rush, rush, rush, push, push, push - we've got places to go, things to do......... We've got us a weekend schedule, for chrissakes.

Moi? I just hate the whole grocery shopping scene. I'm meant for those little markets in Paris so I try to send the DH whenever possible - although he's a little shaky in the produce area. if there's a rotten strawberry, he'll find it and bring it home. The whole gathering and preparing scenario is so yesterday for me. Think about it. Three meals a day for a mere twenty years adds up to 21,840 culinary creations. Like I said, "What are restaurants for?" And you can quote me. You're welcome.


Juli said...

I guess we are supposed to hate Whole Foods now because the CEO is a jerk or something.

I like going to the supermarket. It's pretty much the only alone time that I get.

TW said...

The ARE rude there! Even here! What is it with those shoppers...? Sorry I came!