Thursday, June 17, 2010


Maureen Dowd's recent column has made me think about the irony in our lives.

How ironic that the subject of my latest needlepoint stitching is the brown pelican. When I began this creation, I could see the birds from my window and hear them diving headfirst into the Caloosahatchee River with a resounding kerplunk only to resurface with hapless fishes sloshing around in their pouchy beaks. A truly amazing feat -- one wonders how/why they don't break their necks. It's like bungee jumping with a cord that's too long. I glance up from my canvas at the television set, and these descendants of dinosaurs are not diving. or jumping. or fishing. As a species, they have just recently been removed from the endangered list. I hope we haven't acted too hastily.

Continuing with the irony: who can watch the members of Congress grill the CEO of BP without wondering who should cast the first stone.

More irony: America's vacation spot goes on vacation.

Even more ironic: The nation's breeding ground becomes a cemetery.

Can you hear that? I think it's Send in the Clowns.

- not the end- is it?

1 comment:

Juli said...

Oh, dear. I can't look at your needlepoint without thinking of pelicans covered in crude oil. Guess the "plan" is to hope for a deus ex machina.