Monday, July 6, 2009

Ga-Ga for Gadgets

I love these things!

I try not to purchase items just to be trendy. I mean, I do own the original food processor, only five days ago I was still listening to music on my Rio MP3 player, and we own 3 (yes, count them - 3) television sets that, not only are not HD, but they are not even digital. How do we survive, you ask.

However, I have owned the iPhone for less than a week, and already it has taken over my entire life. No wonder Madonna went to bed with her Blackberry under her pillow.

How's that song go?

Nothing you can say
Can tear me away
From my i-guy.


Juli said...

Crap. I am not allowed to get one of those. I have enough things taking over my life already!

From AA to NZ said...

The world's cutest technophile probably wouldn't let you touch it anyway.