Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Counting Down/Up to the Fourth

Don't ask me why - this place reminds me of the 4th of July. It's not that it's red, white, and blue. In fact, it's a whole lotta purple. (Well, it is called The Grape, and yes, there is wine; but no one was imbibing any of a purplish hue .... too darn hot, people I have to keep reminding you ... this is freakin' Florida? Geez....get a clue.)

The place seems so festive with all those bright shiny sparkly spheres .... makes me think of fireworks.

OK. Maybe you had to be there.

Maybe it was the wine.


Juli said...

Yup, I can sort of see it. To me, it looks more like outer space. Or possibly, Christmas. Happy Fourth!

From AA to NZ said...

Probably Christmas for you opposite hemisphere types.