Friday, August 27, 2010

Stalking the Sunflower

Ya know, Van Gogh loved sunflowers. Me too. Of course, he was crazy; I'm not commenting on my own sanity, but I do still have both ears. I just saw the doctor today, and she verified their presence although they are currently struggling against the Texas allergens.

Sunflowers are beauty queens and work horses (so Texas, y'all); and they are not at all choosy about where they grow. A few scattered seeds in an out-of-the-way alley for a sunny surprise or tidy rows in a well-tended field for a pretty profit. The old bloom where you're planted idea. I don't know who plants them at Whole Foods. However, they must be organic so I take them home in my recyclable shopping bag.

1 comment:

Juli said...

I love sunflowers. Must remember to plant some in our garden this year. xx